PS3 Legacy collection vs current 'Master' Collection, the new master collection leaves out MGS4 and Peace Walker for the NES version of the original Metal Gear and Snake's Revenge unnoficial MGS2 that didn't have any Kojima envolvement. I might get them eventually to finally play the entire series as different games were only available on some plaforms, the legacy collection (which this maybe replicates) for example was PS3 exclusive, but only when they drop A LOT in price and Vol2 with the rest of the series is released. They are resolution locked and FPS locked.Ī simple 1:1 port from console.Exactly! It's great the games will finally be available on all platforms but it's completely disgusting the price they're charging, the quality or more specifically lack thereof and even dividing in different volumes to be able to charge extra!
GuckyDon't buy the MGS Collection, it is a bad Konami cashgrab.